Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ancient Egypt 2

The Nile River,
which revolves around ancient Egyptian civilization stems from the highlands of Ethiopia over eastern Africa and the sources of the Nile in southern Sudan, traveling from north Sudan to Egypt for the flood comes every year to feed the soil with clay.
 This phenomenon is natural flood made Egypt's economy is growing renewable dependent mainly on agriculture.
It helped at the emergence of civilization is also free sky of
clouds and sunshine supervising almost throughout the year to extend the ancient Egyptians warmth and light
Egypt is also protected from neighbors deserts to the West and the sea from the north and east, and the presence of waterfalls (the cataract) in the south of heart on the Nile, making it a semi-derelict land. In this land back two of the seven wonders of the world.
The three pyramids at Giza and the Lighthouse of Alexandria.
The NAPTA was the oldest archaeological site of pocket. The years since 6000 a grazing area by the summer rains fall grazing livestock, even since 4899 years ago when it declined by rain.
 Discovered by the stone circles in the region has Scanbp communities, including village was fed by 18 wells of water under the surface of tiles Mijuleci build a large statue of a cow sculpture looks like a big rock.
 The village consists of 18 houses and the cemetery where many of the cattle were found on structures in the rooms of the mud.
This indicates that the population they worship cows.
Found stoves were used. And bones of deer and hares and earthenware pottery and decorated ostrich egg shells.
 But does not have a landfill or waste in the human NAPTA.
This indicates that the nomads were free to come to the plant every summer, where water and pasture.
And marriage, trade and the establishment of religious rituals

n the field of astronomy, we find that the ancient Egyptians had set up oldest observatory in the world and before the era of building the pyramids since the period of time by the sun and the stars, where they set up gravestones  Megaliths. It is a circle of stone erected since 7000 in the desert in southern Egypt. Megalithsbefore the establishment of sites in England, Britain and Europe a thousand years as a famous Stonehenge.

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