Saturday, April 17, 2010

About the ancient Egyptian civilization

Civilization of the ancient Egyptians or the Pharaonic civilization is a civilization which, in Egypt under the pharaohs of different families since the dawn of history until the Roman invasion of Egypt over 3000 years

Were not the civilization of ancient Egyptian civilization at the age of lapse of time. Because their civilization was their characteristics individually cultural and monumental achievements and originality. This is what gave it credibility originality among all civilizations. Or making it the undisputed world civilizations. This civilization is temporary and more impressed and renowned among ancient civilizations. The civilization of the ancient Egyptians along the Nile River in northeastern Africa since 5000 BC. To the year 30 BC. It is the longest continuity of the ancient world civilization, and ancient Egyptian civilization mean in terms of geography that civilization, which originated in the valley and the Nile Delta, where he lived the ancient Egyptians. It is the cultural aspect refers to the language and culture and customs of worship and organization of their lives and run their lives and their perception of the administrative and the nature around them and their dealings with their neighbors are the first people to take permission cats

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